Chair: Paul Van Tassel, Professor of Chemical and Environmental Engineering and Biomedical Engineering

Sybil Alexandrov, Senior Lector II of Spanish

Valerie Horsley, Maxine F. Singer Associate Professor at Yale University in the Department of Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology and Associate Professor of Dermatology

Matthew Jacobson, Sterling Professor of American Studies and History

The Outreach, Nominations, and Committee on Committees is focused on identifying people to serve Yale University in various capacities.  The Outreach part entails visiting every department during one of their faculty meetings to give a presentation so that they are aware of FAS Senate activities and opportunities. 

This is closely tied to the Nominations part. The hope is that people will seek to be nominated based on the presentations. After the online voting for nominations, the Nominations Committee will then compile a list of candidates for the election which will then be forwarded to the Elections Committee.

Finally, the Committee on Committees part seeks to identify individuals for Yale committees when the administration contacts the FASS Executive Council with a request.